[Pittsburgh, PA - August 2019]
Partner Liberia is excited to announce that the 1st Annual “Ride for Respiratory Health” will occur this Fall.
Liam Carstens, Executive Director of Pittsburgh based nonprofit, Partner Liberia, will bike the 333 miles from Pittsburgh to Washington, DC in September on the 1st Annual “Ride for Respiratory Health.” The ride will raise funds for the work of Partner Liberia in Liberia, West Africa online (HERE) and through sponsorships.
Partner Liberia operates the Liberian Respiratory Care Institute, a two year degree program that trains Respiratory Therapists to address the leading causes of death in Liberia through clinical practice in healthcare centers, community health outreach, specialty healthcare education, and the provision of home healthcare. Graduates of the school earn well-paying jobs in a nation where they are scarce and work directly and immediately to strengthen the healthcare sector of their country.
“A physical challenge, like riding from Pittsburgh to DC, highlights the importance of respiratory health while also shining a spotlight on the work that Partner Liberia does to educate respiratory therapists in Liberia” – said Carstens, who hopes that supporters will consider total donations and/or an amount per mile.
Partner Liberia is a 501(c)3 organization that promotes sustainable healthcare solutions in Liberia by supporting education, healthcare, and renewable energy. We train and educate respiratory therapists in Liberia to address respiratory issues, which are the leading cause of death. We operate and support the Oniyama Specialist and Teaching Hospital, which provides healthcare and training. We also provide renewable energy to health clinics, offering electricity in rural clinics that would not otherwise have it.